CVC will be designed and constructed to promote the total wellness care that will help to minimize stress and make the pets experience as pleasant as possible. This will include separate waiting rooms, exam rooms, and holding areas for dogs and cats as well as other environment enrichment and design features. We will also focus on low stress handling. These methods and techniques further reduce stress and anxiety providing the ultimate compassionate care. And for our feline patients that are stressed or afraid of canines they can enjoy the clinic all to themselves during our feline only hours. Our total wellness approach will encompass behavior consults and hospice care that will help maintain the human animal bond. Behavioral problems are the number one cause of relinquishment of companion animals, and according to American Animal Hospital Association statistics, behavioral issues are the number one cause of humane euthanasia of dogs and second only to overpopulation in cats in the US. Our facility will also institute house call services for multi-pet households, elderly clients, fearful pets and clients with limited transportation.

Dr. Jones is among a select few veterinarians that are certified in low-stress handling. These methods and techniques further reduce stress and anxiety providing the ultimate compassionate care